Friday, April 30, 2010

Labels: tribal star tattoo girls
Friday, April 16, 2010
Labels: Fairy Tattoo Designs
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010
We've seen lots of rose tattoos and an occasional Batman tattoo, but this is unique in the combo of both. The old tv version Batman is depicted in an excellent portait. He is framed in faded rose frame and there is a halo-type light behind him.
I was at an ink convention in Las Vegas not to long ago and I saw a lot of artists using the chinese tattoos as an add on to a lot of their designs. I think it looks totally cool when it is done in a hot looking way. Have you ever noticed that chinese tattoos are probably the most popular tattoos out their in the public right now. I think Hollywood and the Hollywood elites have made it so. Tons of actors and actresses now have their favorite proverbs and sayings used for their chinese tattoos. Besides Demi Moore their are probably hundreds of southern California rich kids having chinese tattoos put on their bodies right at this moment in time.
Chinese Tattoos are rapidly becoming some of the most recent and fashionable trends inside the tattoo world and indeed the rest of the world too. All nations has its own fashion of tattoo designing and one that strongly resembles the individuals fine art, culture and tradition. Presently, Chinese letter tattoos are one of the most liked fashions. I don’t know what this Chinese tattoo symbolizes, because to be quite honest I don’t speak Chinese. But, there is one thing that I know about Chinese tattoos.
Labels: Asian Tattoos, Chinese Tattoos
Swallow tattoos are a popular design that can have many different meanings all over the world. For a sailor the swallow tattoo was widely known as a status symbol. The swallow tattoos were meant to protect the sailor on their journey yet, others believed that if a sailor died at sea and had a swallow tattoo on their chest that it would fly their spirit to heaven. For this reason, swallow tattoos were a great comfort to sailors.
The first swallow tattoo meant the sailor had traveled 5,000 miles and the second tattoo meant they had traveled 10,000 miles. Swallow tattoos are also a symbol of working-class pride, mostly in the UK. Swallow tattoos are also at times used in prison as a sign for "white power", a gang tattoo at times.
Then again some freed prisoners get the swallow tattoo as a sign of freedom. Interestingly, both good luck and bad are attributed to the swallow. Some legends warn of a swallow flying through the house, since it brings tidings of displeasure from the gods, and likely foreshadows bad luck. In China it symbolizes daring, danger and a change for good in the future. But, when you come down to it only you can determine the meaning of your swallow tattoo.
Labels: swallow tattoo, Swallow tattoos

Flower Tattoo on Lower Back Girl
Monday, April 5, 2010
Labels: Dragon and Tiger Tattoo, tiger tattoos
Interestingly enough the angels present in the Western bible never had wings. If you read in the old or new testment the angels and seraphim where very much human like in every way. In fact they did not even have a pair of wings. However, they were always the bearer ofimportant new from God. They often came down to earth to spread an important message. Often apperaing in dreams or during times of deep prayer to people and giving some form of important advice.
In modern art this traditional of angel wings has continued. You really can no longer find an angelic bieng without a pair of white feathery wings. It could be that early artists just wanted to show an angels special powers and have some way to represent an angel as looking different then humans. Of course the ideas that Haven is somehwere above us in the clouds or way up in the sky in some magical place must've lead early artists to the conclusion that angels had to have some form of transportation between heaven and earth. This might have lead to the wide use of angel wings. Who knows how this really got all started but it is clear today anyone with a pair of wings must be a special being from God.
Follow the instructions below and in no time you'll be able to download your tattoo lettering style. Enjoy!
Tattoo Lettering
Tattoo Lettering
Tattoo Lettering
Tattoo Lettering
Tattoo Lettering
Tattoo Lettering
Tattoo Lettering
Fairy Tattoo Design
Some people also believe that fairies are lucky to the one who is able to see them. Fairy tattoos show the sensual side of females and can give a hint of naughtiness or even flirtiness in their nature. Ladies, if you are thinking of getting a tattoo, please keep fairy tattoos in your mind.
Fairy Tattoos
Fairy Tattoos
Fairy Tattoos
Fairy Tattoos
Fairy Tattoos
Fairy Tattoo Design